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1、減振性好,使用壽命長,聯軸器以蛇形彈簧片軸向嵌入兩半36%以上。梯形截面的蛇形彈簧片采用優質彈簧鋼,經嚴格的熱處理,并特殊加工而成,具有良好的機械性能,從而使聯軸器的使用壽命遠比非金屬彈性元件聯軸器(如彈性套 柱銷,尼龍棒銷聯軸器)大為增長。


3、 傳動效率高,運行可靠,聯軸器的傳動效率,經測定達99.47%,其短時超載能力為額定扭矩的兩倍,運行安全可靠。

4、 噪聲低,潤滑好 鋁合金罩殼以保護彈簧避免運轉時向外甩出,且殼體內儲滿黃油,不僅使潤滑良好,而且使簧片嚙合時的噪聲被黃油阻尼吸收而消除。

5、 結構簡單,裝拆方便 整機零件少,體積小,重量輕,被設計成梯形截面的彈簧片與梯形齒槽的吻合尤為方便,緊密,從而使裝拆,維護比一般聯軸器簡便。

6、 允許有較大的安裝偏差 由于彈簧片與齒弧面是點接觸的,所以使聯軸器能獲得較大的撓性。它能被安裝在同時有徑向,角向,軸向的偏差情況下正常工作。

The JS - type serpentine spring coupling is a kind of advanced metal elastic coupling. It delivers torque by a snake-shaped spring. Its transmission characteristics and advantages are as follows:

1. Good vibration resistance and long service life. The coupling is embedded more than two and a half 36 percent in the shaft of the snake-shaped spring. Trapezoidal cross-section of coil spring is made of high quality spring steel, the strict heat treatment, and special processing and become, has the good mechanical properties, which makes the service life of the coupling than non-metallic elastic element coupling (such as elastic dowel pin, nylon rods pin coupling) increase greatly.

2, large range of fluctuating load and under safe starting, two and a half coupling tooth surface is curved, in contact with the reed when the torque is increased, leaf spring deformation along the tooth surface, make two and a half point close to the coupling effect on the reed. The contact point of the reed and the tooth surface is the change of torque, which varies with the transmission torque, and its transmission property is variable stiffness. Therefore, it has more load variation than the general elastic coupling. The driving force makes the reeds have a cushioning effect during the deformation of the tooth arc, especially when the machine is starting or when the force impact load is strong, to some extent, the safety of the supporting equipment is protected.

3. High transmission efficiency and reliable operation, the transmission efficiency of the coupling is 99.47%, and its short-term overload capacity is twice as high as the rated torque, and the operation is safe and reliable.

4, low noise, good lubrication aluminum alloy cover to protect the spring to avoid running when thrown outwards, and casing filled with butter, not only make good lubrication, and make the reed meshing noise is butter damping absorption and elimination.

5, simple structure, convenient installation the machine parts, small volume, light weight, is designed to be trapezoidal section leaf spring with trapezoidal alveolar is particularly convenient, close together, so that the installation, maintenance easy coupling than normal.

6. It is permissible to have a larger installation bias because the spring and tooth arc are touched, so that the coupling can get a greater flexibility. It can be installed at the same time with radial, angular, axial deviation and normal work.
