●彈性套柱銷聯軸器是利用一端套有彈性套(橡膠材料)的柱銷,裝在兩半聯軸器凸緣孔中,以實現兩半聯軸器的聯接。彈性套柱銷聯軸器曾經是我國應用最廣泛的聯軸 器,早在 20 世紀 50 年代末期即已制訂為機械部標準, JB08 — 60 彈性圈柱銷聯軸器,是我國第一個部標準聯軸器。
●彈性套柱銷聯軸器結構比較簡單,制造容易,不用潤滑,不需要與金屬硫化粘結,更換彈性套方便,不用移動半聯軸器,具有一定補償兩軸相對偏移和減振緩沖性能。 彈性套工作是受壓縮變形,由于彈性套的厚度較薄,體積小,彈性變形有限,所以,彈性套柱銷聯軸器雖可補償軸線位移和彈性,但軸線位移許用補償量較少,彈性 較弱。彈性套柱銷聯軸器是依靠柱銷組的鎖緊力而產生于接觸面的摩擦力矩,并壓縮橡膠彈性套來傳遞轉矩。適用于安裝底座剛性好、對中精度較高、沖擊載荷不 大、對減振要求不高的中小功率軸系傳動。
The characteristics of TLL brake roller sleeve pin coupling
Diaphragm coupling is by several groups of diaphragm (stainless steel thin plate) using bolt crisscross with half coupling, diaphragm composed of several pieces fold sets in each group, the diaphragm can be divided into connecting rod type and different shapes of the chip.
The elastic sleeve pin coupler is a pin with a flexible sleeve (rubber material) on one end, which is installed in the flange hole of the two-part coupler to realize the coupling of the two-and-a-half coupling. Column elastic sleeve pin coupling was once a coupling device of the most widely used in our country, as early as the late 1950 s, which is for the mechanical standards, JB08-60 elastic dowel pin coupling, is China's first standard coupling.
Low column elastic sleeve pin coupling structure is simple, manufacture easily, no lubrication, don't need and metal sulfide, change the elastic sleeve is convenient, need not move half coupling, two axis relative offset compensation and vibration damping buffer performance. Elastic sleeve work is subject to compression deformation, due to the thickness of the elastic sleeve thin, small size, elastic deformation is limited, so, although column elastic sleeve pin coupling can compensate the axis displacement and elastic, but axis allowable displacement compensation quantity is less, less elastic. The elastic sleeve pin coupling is based on the locking force of the column pin group to produce friction torque on the contact surface, and compressible rubber elastic sleeve to transfer torque. It is suitable for small and medium power shafts with high rigidity, high accuracy, low impact load and low demand for vibration reduction.